Paweł Churski
Professor of Social Sciences, Economic Geographer
Faculty of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management
Department of Regional and Local Studies
Adam Mickiewicz University
ul. Bogumiła Krygowskiego 10, 61-680 Poznań, Poland
Research interests: Human Geography, Regional and Local Development, Regional and Local Policy, Green and Just Transition.
Dean of the Faculty of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management at Adam Mickiewicz University. Head of the Department of Regional and Local Studies.
The author of over 250 scientific publications, including 15 monographs and 25 edited collective works. His research interests include:
- Issues of local and regional development in Poland and Europe, particularly related to climate change and the just transition process,
- Transformations of development factors and regional policy in Poland and the European Union,
- As well as the challenges of responsible research and innovation, including the role of universities in their implementation.
He applies econometrics and geographic information systems to spatial analyses, exploring living standards, quality of life, and labor market conditions during the socio-economic transformation period in Poland and Europe. He has served as the leader or participant in projects funded by the European Research Council (e.g. TeRRIFICA), the State Committee for Scientific Research, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the National Science Centre (e.g. TIPERICO), and the National Centre for Research and Development. He also prepares and implements research and educational projects financed through structural funds. His research findings have been utilized by entities such as the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, the Marshal’s Office of the Wielkopolska Region in Poznań, the City of Poznań, and other local governments, institutions, and organizations.
He has participated in numerous national and international conferences. He collaborates with foreign scientific centers and European institutions, where he has conducted short-term visits. At the invitation of the Minister, he served as a member of the Task Force on Problem Areas for the Ministry of Regional Development. He was a member of the Steering Committee for organizing the 2014 International Geographical Union Conference in Kraków. He has the honor and pleasure of working within the Polish Academy of Sciences’ Committee for Spatial Economy and Regional Planning, serving as Vice-Chair within its structures. He is also a member of the Committee of Geographical Sciences at the Polish Academy of Sciences. Additionally, he is a member of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP), where he serves on the Council of Representatives. He is among the founding members of the European Regional Studies Association – Polish Section, where he served as Vice-President from 2012–2016. He is active in the Union of Universities for the Development of Spatial Management Programs, chairing its Executive Team and coordinating the work of the group focused on improving educational programs.
Professor Churski is a reviewer for the European Research Council, the National Science Centre, the National Centre for Research and Development, the National Agency for Academic Exchange, and a publishing reviewer for numerous publishers and journals, including Regional Studies, Papers in Regional Science, European Planning Studies, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, Social Indicators Research, City, Culture and Society, Moravian Geographical Report, Geografický Časopis, European Countryside, Geographia Polonica, Przegląd Geograficzny, Miscellanea Geographica, Quaestiones Geographicae, KPZK PAN Bulletin, Studies by KPZK PAN, Regional Studies by KPZK PAN, and others.